Thursday, 1 December 2011

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Once Upon a time: Review 1.

October 23rd 2011 is perhaps one of the most important days in the history of the UNIVERSE.

It was the day Emma Swan turned 28.

Who is Emma Swan you ask?

She is a character in the new series Once Upon A Time, broadcasted by ABC.

The show focus on the fairy tails. So far we have seen Snow White, Prince Charming, The Evil Queen, Rumpelstiltskin, Jiminy Cricket, Jepetto, Pinocchio and Fairy Godmother.

The show is one BROBDINGNAGIAN classical allusion to the fairy tales we know so well. However it seems to have a few similarities to the TV show Lost, who happens to have the same producers.

Love, Tereza and Tilly

New Directions.

Welcome all to our enchanted forest. Filled with magical creatures and all we hold dear.

The start of our own yellow brick road is now.

Love, Tereza and Tilly